Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well here's a little missionary struggle....

I'm in the Jo-berg airport again (21:40)..... and I still am not completly sure if I go "home" or to Swaziland tomorrow. I traveled tonight to a least 6 different hotels, and all were booked. I didn't have this problem the first time here, because it was the weekend.
There is one hotel with rooms in all of Jo-berg, located in a very nice casino. The problem is, it's $175 USD. I can't bring myself to pay that, espicially since I am accountable to you.
So, I will be reinacting the movie "The Terminal" tonight. Hey, it's better than reinacting "The Passion" !

I will post something I wrote on the plane..... and sorry.... not sure if I will get pictures to post.


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron,
I'm so proud of you for considering the church family when spending money. You are very considerate. Thanks!!
You're a wise man and very intelligent too.
I pray that things will work out for you!!

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Aaron,

When you were young, you wanted to become a actor...Who know this may be your way to stardom! ;.)

Love and miss you!

To the King alone, Steph


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