Friday, September 29, 2006

So the story/legend goes, that if you were caught in treasion to the king, you would be marched up Execution Mountain, and then thrown off. If you survived, against all odds, you would be found innocent. Pictures do no such justice to the landscape. With that in mind, given the rocky height of the mountain, if you ended up found to be innocent, you would wish you were dead anyway.
A picture from the road of my destination.

An "African picture" I've been waiting for. Here, an Impala grazes on the open terrain, next to an Acacia (Umbrella) tree.

These are tombs of those found guilty. Just kidding!
They are actually just stone towers for a pipe line!

Can we say Indiana Jones?

See those bushes? Tree tops my friend!

I couldn't help but think about all the other sermons that could come out of this experience. Much like Pastor Jay and his 26-mile race, this was a test of endurace! It was mind against body on wheither I was going to finish or not, and of coarse, the last kilometer was the hardest of all! I have not had required Physical Education since high school, so I was definatly out of shape.
But what I could only discover when I finally got to the top, was that all the other mountains around me didn't seem so huge anymore. They were just as big as me. In fact, I felt larger.

Isn't that what Christ has done for us? Taken us out of our valley of desperation, only to set us on the mountain top of Grace. And furthermore, allow us to see that all of the mountains in our way are not as big as we made them out to be.
We enjoy the mountain tops, but it's in the valley that everything grows.


Wouldn't you hope you were guilty?

A bit dramatic? Perhaps!

I finally made it to the top!

This was the menu of the place we ate in the game reserve where the mountain is.

On the way out, we scared poor Phumba who was resting by the fire.


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever heard the song " Mountain of God" by Third Day?? There is a line in the song that says, " I must go through the valley to stand upon the mountain of God". How incredible is that?
God's stirring in your heart to be a preacher!! How awesome is that!! Keep on staying strong for God!!

At 4:04 AM, Blogger promise4ya said...

Amen Brother! What- a - sermon, short, sweet and to - the - point. You are doing a great job out there... and growing, too. We are so proud of you, keep up the grrrrreat work. Keeping you in our prayers. Love ya much


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